Spring 2023 News and Prayer Letter

Hello, Friends and Supporters!

In this newsletter you will read updates from all of our public school Good News Clubs, and a Salvation Testimony from a recent GNC. We also invite you to our Chicken Barbeque on April 22! Information on the front page of our website.

Thank you for your time and prayer, as you read through this update.



Good News Clubs

We currently have five afterschool “Good News Clubs” up and running in WNY public elementary schools.

Highgate Heights (Buffalo School District). They consistently have 8 students in their club. Before Covid and the bussing issues they had a lot more coming, but we are grateful for these precious souls.

JT Waugh Elementary (Lake Shore District). Some of the students in this class came knowing absolutely nothing about God, Jesus, or the Bible. It is exciting but also challenging to have such blank slates to work with. Please pray for their understanding and salvation. They have had 12 students attend this club.

Highland Elementary (Lake Shore District). They have had five children trust in Christ as Savior since they started! Some of these have attended church and shown real growth too.

AJ Schmidt Elementary
 (Lake Shore District). They have 7 students enrolled, and one has trusted in Christ for salvation this year.

Cloverbank Elementary (Frontier District). Though they had to overcome many obstacles, we rejoice that this club is up and running! Pray for the faithfulness of these students, as they have to leave the school at dismissal time, then have someone drive them back to the school. They have had 10 different students attend this club.

Please pray that these students will come to know Jesus in a real and personal way (f they don’t already), and we will see changed lives!    

More GNC Reports

Blasdell Elementary (Frontier School District) – In spite of the dedication and willingness of the teachers each week, this club has proven too difficult to sustain. Due to bussing and security issues, the students were required to leave the building at dismissal time, then be brought back by a parent or guardian to the school for GNC. This has shown itself to be a greater challenge than expected, and the club has closed for this year. THANK YOU to our dedicated teachers for doing your best!

Lovejoy Discovery School (Buffalo School District) -There is still nothing to report. We truly need God to touch the hearts of the school administration, that they will let us back in, and we can restart this club.

West Seneca School District – Despite the enthusiasm of the superintendent to start a Club in their district, we have not been able to secure a location or time that works for both the school and our GNC teachers. Please pray that – even if we have to wait till next school year – we WILL get Good News Clubs running in this district.

Please pray that each of these doors would stay open, and that the teachers would not be discouraged by the waiting and uncertainties. 

A Salvation Testimony

From one of our JT Waugh teachers

The Good News Club of Highland Elementary School in Derby, NY has seen wonderful fruit since beginning this past fall of 2022. On February 7, 2023 during one of our classes, we had 2 children accept the Lord as their personal Savior. (They are just 2 of 5 who have come to know the Lord since we began!).

During the class, the children were learning about Bartimaeus and how his faith made him whole. The Bible verse that day was John 3:36 “He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him”. Our verse of the week and the story both made heavy conviction on the children. Multiple children raised their hands to be dealt with, and 2 of the children made a profession of faith- Mason D. and Neveah S.! Other children had the opportunity to pray with an adult about other things that may have been upsetting them, while others learned more about the Lord but were not ready yet.

Seeing this fruit has been a blessing to all of the workers, and we continue to pray that more in the class of 11 will come to know the Lord.

Please pray especially for the children who have heard but have not believed on Jesus. 

Prayer Requests

  • For the current GNCs to be full of Spirit-led teachers, and students eager to learn about God. For increased attendances and salvations.
  • For the GNCs that haven’t started yet to do so soon.
  • For more pastors and churches to see the need and join the battle.
  • For a new director for CEF of GBA

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