Winter 2024 Newsletter

Happy New Year, Friends and Supporters!
We have closed out a great ministry year, and invite you to rejoice with us in what God has done. Below you will read reports from our Good News Clubs, which are in full-swing, with a few more starting at the beginning of 2025. We are also excited about the opportunity God has given us in a Transitional Housing Facility. Prayer requests are listed throughout, and at the end.
Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA

Good News Clubs

Lake Shore Central School District Good News Club: Last year we had 30 students registered, between the three elementary schools of Lake Shore. This year, praise the Lord, we have almost doubled that!

Highland Elementary Good News Club– One of the GNC teachers is also the mother of two of our Highland students. She has used her influence to invite other children, and this year their club has 24 children registered. At least three of them have prayed to accept Jesus Christ as their Savior. 

AJ Schmidt Elementary Good News Club– 16 students attend this Thursday club. Several of these are repeat attenders from last year, and it’s always nice when kids want to come back. We are also so glad for the new faces, and are praying for their salvations.

JT Waugh Elementary Good News Club– A special blessing this year is that this club was given their very own classroom! In the past they have met in the school cafeteria, auditorium, or library. This year the principal offered them a vacant classroom, so they are able hang posters on the walls, and leave supplies in cupboards. We thank the Lord for giving us such favor with the school administrators. There are 14 children registered at this club, and three have made professions of faith this year. 

We would like to especially thank the Hilltop Baptist Church of Angola, and Pastor Travis Lewis, for sponsoring the AJ and Highland GNCs. Children are being reached for Christ because of your church’s prayer and financial support.

Pray for the continued attendance of these students, and that they will learn and grow.

Buffalo Public School District Good News Club: We have one club in a Buffalo public school – Highgate Heights, PS 80. One of the Highgate school teachers is also the GNC teacher, and has been so faithful with keeping this club running even through all the Covid and bussing challenges of the past years. This year she thought she would have a small club, because of the overall decreased attendance in the school’s afterschool programs. She is pleased to report, however, that they have 16 kids coming!

Pray for more Buffalo schools to open their doors to us. 

Eden Central School District Good News Club: This is our second year back in Eden since the Covid re-start. We are not allowed to meet immediately after dismissal, the students must return to the school. As you can imagine, this is an obstacle for many parents. We did have four children register, but two have not yet attended, and a third now has some transportation issues. The teachers have been faithful, but having just one student can be discouraging. 
One positive note is that the main teacher of this club has recruited two teen girls from her church to help her – potential GNC teachers! 

Pray for this club to grow, and for a reversal of policy so we can meet at dismissal time.

Frontier Central School District. This district has again changed their rules, and told us that we cannot enter their buildings until after 6:00pm. After much prayer and consideration by the teachers…
Big Tree Elementary – will not restart. 
Cloverbank Elementary – will meet from 6:00-7:00pm in the school, beginning Thursday, January 9.
Blasdell Elementary – will shift locations from the school to the Blasdell Community Church, which is located less than a block from the school. They will meet from 4:30-5:30pm beginning Thursday, January 16. Thank you, BCC, for opening your doors to host this club.

Pray for students to come to these Good News Clubs, to meet Jesus, and to have their lives transformed.  

Hotel Club (For lack of a better name)

This past summer we had a wonderful opportunity to hold a one-day “Party Club” at a hotel that was turned into transitional housing for families in need. The Party Club was such a success that some of our committee members started to pray about the possibility of holding a weekly Good News Club here during the school year. God answered their prayers, and a Club started on Tuesday, Dec. 5.

They meet right in the hotel lobby and have had close to 30 children attend at once. Some parents also come to watch. Because of the location, many others have inadvertently attended a GNC as well 🙂 Some of the families in this facility have come from other countries, and it’s been fun to see, hear, and taste (!) the cultural differences each student brings to the Club.

Regardless of how these people got here or why, God loves each one of them. He sent His own Son to die for them, and we are so privileged to have this moment to share Truth with them.

Pray for the door to stay open for us to minister here. Pray for those who hear to understand and be converted.

Christmas GNC Stories

1. As the teacher explained why Jesus was born in stable and placed in a manger, a second-grade girl burst out, “That’s not fair! He deserved something very much more wonderful!” 

2. As the teacher read the Christmas story directly from Luke 2, a fifth-grade boy, who hadn’t been paying much attention, looked up excitedly. “I know these words! They’re from the Charlie Brown Christmas story!” 

Miracle in Our Midst

The Good News Club teacher had started defining the word “miracle”  when a 9-year-old girl raised her hand. “I know what a miracle is. The doctor told my mommy that she could never have a baby, but Mommy prayed that God would give her a miracle.” The teacher asked, “And did He?” 
The beautiful little girl spread her arms out wide, and with a giant smile announced, “Here I am!” 

New Giving Platform

This year we transitioned to a new online system for managing donations and contributions. Unfortunately this transition was neither quick nor easy.

We are working on sending out year-end giving receipts. If you donated to CEF of Greater Buffalo Area this past year, and do not receive a giving statement by the end of January  – or you receive a statement that contains errors – please send an email to with “2024 Donation” in the subject line. We will do our best to correct the oversight.

To give online, visit this page. Thank you to all who have given so generously to our mission this past year. We appreciate your sacrifice, and could not expand our ministry without your gifts. We look forward with confidence to what God will do through us in 2025!

Pray for the continued and increased funds to reach more children for Christ.

Fall 2024 News & Prayer Letter

Hello, Friends and Supporters!

It was a good summer for CEF of Greater Buffalo Area. In this newsletter you will hear about our Summer 5-Day Clubs, a Super Saturday training event, our preparations for fall Good News Clubs, some potential church partnerships, and even how you can be involved in Christmas Party Clubs! (Is it too soon to start thinking about Christmas? J)

Prayer requests are listed throughout, and at the end.

Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA

CEF Party Club Testimony

A local hotel has been turned into temporary housing for those in need, and at a CEF of GBA Committee meeting, the idea was presented to host a one-day “Party Club” at this venue.

After securing permission from the building manager, a team of Committee members and staff planned an outreach on Tuesday, July 30. We stopped by on the Friday before to hand out fliers, make balloon animals, and promote the event.

That Tuesday we drew a crowd of over 30 children, and about as many teens and adults. They played games, sang songs, ate watermelon, and were taught the Gospel on a child’s level. Many hands were raised in profession of faith. The following week, a family from this location attended a Vacation Bible School at one of our partner churches, and two of the girls trusted Christ as their Savior. The next Sunday, the family attended a church service, and the mother was gloriously saved! Since this is transitional housing, that family has since moved on. Please pray that they can find another church to attend, so they can learn and grow.

Good News Clubs

With school back in session, we are preparing for our Good News Club restart. As always, there are obstacles. Districts that used to be welcoming are now trying to close their doors. New districts have presented nearly insurmountable piles of red tape for us to climb through. It can be discouraging when a church has teachers ready, but has no where to go. We have a very real enemy who seems to be holding our public schools hostage. The last thing he wants is for children to hear about Jesus. And yet! We also have a God who came to “set the captives free”! Please pray with us that our All-Powerful God will go before us, and open doors that no man can shut.

Church Partnerships

Our Ministry Coordinator Rob Perrotti has been pounding the pavement to connect with local pastors, and we are so excited for some of the emerging partnerships:

· A group of about a dozen inner-city pastors are burdened for the children of Buffalo and see the value of partnering with CEF of GBA.

· Three churches in the Northtowns are just waiting for schools to open up, so they can start Good News Clubs.

· A church in the Southtowns gave a substantial donation to our ministry.

· Two churches have expressed a desire to reach children in Chautauqua County.

This is in addition to the faithful church donors and GNC partners we already have! One purpose of our ministry is to come alongside churches and assist them in reaching the children in their communities. These partnerships are vital to reaching children.

Super Saturday

On September 21, we held a “Super Saturday” training seminar at the Center Road Baptist Church in West Seneca. Attenders learned how to teach various segments of a typical Good News Club: songs, memory verse, a Bible lesson, an invitation to be saved, and review games. Although the turnout was not as high as we would have liked, those who did attend were SO excited to start or join Good News Clubs!

Christmas Party Clubs

Christmas party clubsEvery December, thousands of one-day Christmas Party Clubs take place around the globe. This year Child Evangelism Fellowship is praying for the most impactful Christmas season ever: to reach TEN MILLION children with the gospel! (In 2023, 8.8 million children attended a CPC!) There are 2 ways you can help:

1. Join the “50 Days of Prayer” Initiative. Starting Nov. 2, weekly prayer requests will be emailed to CEF prayer partners. Contact us if you would like to join this list.

2. Consider hosting a Christmas Party Club! There may be children in your own family or neighborhood that would come to know Jesus because of you.

Contact usContact Us to join this prayer team, or for more information/materials to host your own club.

Summer Outreach

Praise the Lord for the four “5-Day Clubs” and one “Party Club” that took place in Buffalo, Orchard Park, Lackawanna, and Hamburg this summer! Thank you to the those who opened their homes or sought out public spaces where children could be reached. Around 100 different children attended one of these outreaches, and about 30 of them made a public profession of trusting in Jesus Christ as their Savior! (Of course, only God knows their hearts.)

Summer ’24 News and Prayer Letter

Summer ’24 News and Prayer Letter

In this letter, you will read about our year-end school Good News Club statistics, updates from May’s Chicken Barbeque Fundraiser and June’s Appreciation Dinner, and information on coming events.

Prayer requests are listed throughout, and at the end.

Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA

2023-24 GNC Final Reports

A club meets outside on a sunny spring day
A club meets outside on a sunny spring day

Buffalo Public Schools:

Highgate Heights Elementary School (PS #80). It met every Monday.
This club was coordinated by Megan Kester, and she was assisted by Mary Scherrer. It was sponsored by The Chapel at Crosspoint. This school year they had 14 students attend, and 3 trusted Christ as Savior.

Eden School District:

One club available for the students of both Eden Elementary (grades 2-5) and Grover L Priess Primary School (grades K-2). It met every Tuesday.

This club was coordinated by Jen Keller from Old Time Baptist Church. She was assisted by Jessica Guadagno (also from Old Time), Sam and Victoria Hazlett (Faith Bible Baptist), Pastor Chris Baran (Faith Bible Baptist), and Pastor Rob Perrotti (Center Road Baptist).

This club was finally able to restart after Covid! They had 2 children “officially” registered, but 10 came throughout the year. Two of these trusted in Christ as their Savior.

Lake Shore Central School District:

The AJ Schmidt Elementary School Club met every Thursday. It was coordinated by Amanda Smith. She was assisted by her daughers Ceili and Chloe, Dave Wrazien, and Judy Driscoll. It was sponsored by the Hilltop Baptist Church.

They had 7 students registered, but one never attended. Of the 6 that did attend, five of them trusted in Jesus this school year.

The Highland Elementary School Club met every Tuesday. It was also coordinated by Amanda Smith. She was again assisted by Ceili, Chloe, and Dave Wrazien, and Kristen Freeman also taught at this club. It was also sponsored by the Hilltop Baptist Church.

They had 12 students registered, and 5 were saved this school year.

The JT Waugh Elementary School Club met every Tuesday. It was coordinated by Rebekah Tablante. Eva Buckland was the main teacher, and they were assisted by Hope Thompson, Calvin Tablante, and Analise Uptegrove. It was sponsored by Faith Bible Baptist Church.

They had 12 students, and 3 were saved this year.

final good news clubs
Final GNCs of the school year

Frontier Central School District:

The Blasdell Elementary Club was open every Thursday. It was coordinated by Julie White, and her husband Charles and friend Darlene were trained and available to help. It was sponsored by Blasdell Church of Christ.

This club did not have any students registered. However, the library has been allocated for our use every Thursday afternoon, so Julie has faithfully gone and prayed in that room. She has built relationships with custodians and other school staff.

The Cloverbank Elementary School Club was also open to any students who attended Big Tree Elementary School. They met every Tuesday. It was coordinated by Jen Keller. The team included her, Beth Wainwright and Jon Bitner. It was sponsored by Old Time Baptist Church.

They had 10 students attend, and 3 put their faith in Christ during the club.

65 children attended GNCs this school year.

21 of these put their faith in Jesus for salvation!

Please rejoice with us!

Pray for these precious children to grow closer to the Lord over the summer. Pray for those who got saved to be able to grow in their new faith. Pray for our teachers to be excited for the next school year.

Joseph Recap

A first-grader in one of our schools, explaining last week’s lesson to a student who had been absent: “Joseph’s brothers hated him so much that they sold him to a well. Not all of his brothers, though. His youngest brother Peter didn’t do anything wrong.”

Appreciation Dinner

appreciation dinner speaker
Committee Chairman Craig Durham addresses the attenders of our Appreciation Dinner.

After our Good News Clubs ended for the year, we invited our GNC teachers, donors, and church partners to a dinner in their honor. This was our first attempt at this sort of event, but we were happy that about 40 people came out. Our chapter chairman, our ministry coordinator, and our treasurer (who also works for a local school district) each took a turn showing appreciation to our church partners, encouraging our teachers, and thanking our donors.

A delicious meal was served, followed by dessert and a time of open testimony. Many of the GNC teachers told stories of children trusting in Christ as Savior, then giving evidence of that salvation. Some highlights of testimony time included….

Ministry coordinator speaking to attendees
Ministry Coordinator Rob Perrotti encourages the teachers to be faithful

–  A little boy wanted so badly to share Jesus with someone that he got permission from the GNC teacher to immediately give a gospel tract to the school custodian.

– A parent thanked a GNC teacher for the influence they had in her son’s life nearly a decade ago, crediting the club with many of her son’s good decisions in college.

– The son of one of our teachers (who also attends club) is known in his school for letting his little light shine for Jesus.

– A girl from an unchurched home begged her parents to allow her to attend club a second year, saying “I need to know more about God!”

– A pastor allowed his church members to start clubs in their local schools, though he knew he personally would not be able to be involved, and the children that have been saved because of it.

– A sister who trusted Christ one week at club, and her little brother who came forward for counsel a few weeks later, and also trusted in Christ.

Praise the Lord for what He has done through us in our local public schools. Pray for more schools to open to us next year, and churches to partner with us.

Chicken BBQ Fundraiser

mail truck attends chicken bbq
Even the mailman needs to eat!

We are pleased to report the success of our first fundraiser of 2024 – a Wendels chicken barbecue held at the West Falls Bible Church. A steady stream of vehicles came through the church parking lot, starting even before we opened at noon. We sold out by 4:00pm, and netted a strong profit.

Thank you to all who attended and supported this effort. If you are in the area, please plan to support our next fundraiser:


Chiavetta’s Chicken BBQ

Friday, September 13, 3:00pm – Sold Out

Old Time Baptist Church, 5599 Camp Rd (Route 75) in Hamburg

Please pray for the financial stability of our chapter.

Of course, you don’t have to attend a fundraiser to support CEF of Greater Buffalo! Your help is needed and appreciated any day of the year.

Summer 5- Day Clubs

Lord willing, we will have eight 5-Day Clubs in Buffalo and around Erie County this year! These will take place in public parks, in people’s backyards, on church properties, and hopefully even in homeless shelters. We pray that our next letter will be full of stories of how God did amazing things in our neighborhoods this summer.

Please pray for those coordinating 5-Day Clubs to have wisdom in planning. Pray for many children to come, and many souls to be saved.

Super Saturday!

A training seminar for anyone interested in teaching at a Good News Club will be held on Saturday, August 17, at the Center Road Baptist Church, 412 Center Rd, West Seneca NY. More information will be forthcoming. Please contact us if you are interested.

A Financial Appeal

A few months ago we hired a “Ministry Coordinator” to oversee our gospel-sharing efforts in Western NY. He is already doing a tremendous job reaching out to local schools and churches, and evangelizing children. (We hope to soon start sending monthly updates from him, along with these quarterly newsletters.)

With added staff comes added financial responsibility. We are praying for 25 individuals that will pledge $50 per month, and 10 churches or businesses that will pledge $100 per month to our chapter. Donors may choose to give to our chapter, or directly to our coordinator.

A Note to our Current Supporters: We have recently switched to a different giving platform that will handle financial donations. If you have set up “recurring donations” with us before, you will need to reenter your information into our new system. This should take just a few minutes. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your faithfulness and generosity. We could not do what we do if not for you.

Spring ’24 News & Prayer Letter

Prayer Letter Header Spring 2024

Hello, Friends and Supporters!

In this prayer and newsletter you will read about our new ministry coordinator and committee members, updates from our public school Good News Clubs, information on upcoming fundraisers, and an invitation to join our summer 5-Day Club ministry. Prayer requests are listed throughout. Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA

The ministry coordinator addresses the committee at a recent meeting.

Ministry Coordinator

We praise the Lord for answering our prayer and sending a ministry coordinator for Child Evangelism Fellowship of Greater Buffalo! Rob Perrotti has served in Christian ministry for over 30 years in various capacities including pastor, assistant pastor, Christian school administrator, and Christian college instructor. He is currently pastoring a church in West Seneca. He has CEF experience too, having taught a GNC in Buffalo before they closed during Covid. 

God has already given him a great vision for reaching the children of Erie County, and the committee is excited to partner with him. Plus he makes balloon animals, so the kids love him too! 

Pray for Rob Perrotti as he oversees the growth of CEF of GBA. Pray that he will seek to glorify Christ in all he does. Read his letter.

New committee member Hope Thompson teaches at a GNC

New Committee Members. We also rejoice in the addition of three new members to our committee. Hope Thompson, Debbie Ogden, and Beth Wainwright all come with different and exciting perspectives on how to spread the gospel among the children in our local communities. Each has served the Lord and His people for many years, and we are grateful for their experience and enthusiasm.  

Pray for our committee to have unity and clear direction in going forward.

A Financial Appeal

With a new coordinator and renewed vision comes an increased cost. To be honest, we have lost over half of our funding since the pandemic. We need an immediate increase of at least $1,000 per month in order to facilitate the hiring of a new staff member, and ministry expansion. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly supporter, or even a one-time contributor?

Also note that we have added a donation option. For those who prefer giving to an individual over an organization, we you may choose to give to Pastor Rob personally. Visit our giving page.

Pray for the funds we need to fulfil our God-given mission.

Good News Clubs

Our newest GNC is in the Eden Elementary School, and serves the students of both Eden Elem. (grades 3-5) and  Grover L Pries Primary School (grades K-2). Nine different children have attended this club, including a few preschoolers that come with their parents who are club teachers. These little ones make the class even more lively 🙂

Our ministry coordinator was able to attend the Eden class one recent Tuesday, and taught the Bible lesson.  At the end of that lesson a precious little girl prayed to receive Jesus Christ as her Savior!

There are still about 6 classes left at each of our Good News Clubs. It is NOT too late to attend. Register on our website.

Active Clubs:

  • AJ Schmidt Elementary (Lake Shore)
  • Big Tree Elementary (Frontier) 
  • Blasdell Elementary (Frontier)*
  • Cloverbank Elementary (Frontier)
  • Eden Elementary (Eden)
  • Highgate Heights Elementary (Buffalo)
  • Highland Elementary (Lake Shore)
  • JT Waugh Elementary (Lake Shore)

As the end of the school year approaches, please pray that the students who have not yet trusted in Jesus Christ will put their faith in Him soon.

*Thank you for your prayers on behalf of Blasdell Elementary. We still do not have any students attending that club, but each week the lead GNC teacher prays in the school library. We believe that God will bless the faith of her and the other Blasdell teachers with a great harvest.

Chicken BBQs

We have two fundraisers planned this year. Please mark your calendars: 

Please pray for the financial success of these fundraisers.

  • Saturday, May 18, Noon-Sold out, West Falls Bible Church, 1823 Davis Rd (Route 240) in West Falls
  • Saturday, September 14, Noon-Sold Out, Old Time Baptist Church, 5599 Camp Rd (Route 75) in Hamburg

Tell it like it is…

The GNC lesson was on New Life in Christ, and the spiritual growth we can experience as we let God work in us. The teacher compared this spiritual process to our physical growth by saying, “We all started as babies, but we didn’t stay small. We all were toddlers, then preschoolers, and we kept growing. Now you’re all children. What happens next?”

“We’ll be teenagers!” said one student.

“Then we’ll be parents!” added another.

A third ended the discussion with a blunt “Then we become grandparents, then we die.”

5-Day Clubs

Child Evangelism Fellowship has produced an easy-to-implement curriculum that can give you nearly all the tools you need to teach the gospel to the children living around you. We would love to aid you in reaching your “Jerusalem” (Acts 1:8) this summer.

A Typical 5-Day Club….

  • is 1.5 hours long, and last 5 days (no kidding 🙂 )
  • is geared toward children ages 5-12.
  • contains songs, memory verses, Bible lessons, energetic games, a missionary story, and daily contests.
  • costs between $15 and $60 for the curriculum, depending on how much you choose to use. 
  • is customizable to your situation.
  • can be done with as few as 3 teachers/helpers.
  • can be as simple or elaborate as you choose.

Pastors: This could be a great alternative or addendum to a traditional Vacation Bible School. Please let us know if you would like more information to share with your congregation. Maybe someone in your pews would take up this challenge.

Prayer Requests

  • For our new Ministry Coordinator
  • For our committee to have unity and clear direction
  • For the funds we need to fulfil our mission
  • For the GNC students who have not yet trusted in Jesus Christ.
  • For our summer ministry to be fruitful in bringing our children to the knowledge of Jesus.

Winter 2023 Newsletter

Winter 2023-2024 News and Prayer Letter for CEF of Greater Buffalo


Hello, Friends and Supporters!

In this newsletter you will read updates and testimonies from our public school Good News Clubs, our fall fundraiser, a “Super Saturday” training event, and our CEF of GBA committee.

As usual, prayer requests are listed throughout, and to the left.

Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA

Good News Clubs

Thank you for prayers towards our GNC efforts this year. We have six active clubs, and a seventh starting soon (maybe by the time you read this!):

AJ Schmidt Elementary (Lake Shore District) – 6 students registered

Big Tree Elementary (Frontier District) – 1 student registered

Cloverbank Elementary (Frontier District) – 6 students registered

Highgate Heights (Buffalo) – 11 students registered

Highland Elementary (Lake Shore District) – 12 students registered

JT Waugh Elementary (Lake Shore District) – 10 students registered

We have already seen four children put their faith in Christ this year!

Please pray for the children to be faithful and to learn more of God and His Word. Pray for more to attend.


Blasdell Elementary (Frontier District) – 0 students registered. We request fervent prayer for this Club. The teachers are so dedicated to this school but we have not found an effective way to let the parents and students know we are here. Our GNC teachers have offered to move to a different school/district.

Please pray for the GNC teachers of Blasdell to not be discouraged. Pray we will find a way to invite children, or that God will clearly show us that this door is closed, and where we should go next.

Eden Elementary (Eden District) –  Club starts on January 16! This is our first time back in this school since Covid. Praise the Lord for this re-open door.

Please pray for students to sign up, and for God to bless and work in Eden Elementary. 


If you know any children in these schools, please let them know they are welcome at Good News Club!

A Christmas Testimony

The Bible lesson was on the shepherds in the Christmas story. The teacher spent some time describing shepherds in Bible times: dirty, stinky, poor, thieves, liars, low class. Then with a giant smile, she told how God entrusted these “inferior” citizens to be the first human bearers of the Good News of the Messiah’s birth.

Nine-year-old Kelsey listened intently, the wheels in her brain processing the lesson she was hearing. She did not live in a religious home, and the concept of God’s love was new to her.

During the review game later, the question was asked “Though people looked down on the shepherds, what did God think about them?” Kelsey raised her hand. “He thought they were important,” she answered.

The teacher asked a follow up question: “And no matter what anyone else says, what does God think about YOU?” Kelsey thought for a few seconds then said in a whisper, “He thinks I’m important, too.”

Please pray for Kelsey and the many, many, many children in our schools who do not understand how precious they are to Jesus.

Chicken BBQ Fundraiser

On Saturday, September 30, we held our second bbq fundraiser of the year. This time we were given permission to use the parking lot of an empty business on Route 5 in Angola. This location gave us better visibility to those driving by, and we made a stronger profit this time around. Of course, the beautiful weather helped, too! Thanks to Hilltop Baptist Church for again allowing us the use of their supplies and providing workers to help serve the food.

Please pray for the finances we need to continue spreading the gospel to children in WNY.

Teacher Training

We were encouraged to have fourteen people attend our “Super Saturday” training seminar on November 11. A few of these were current teachers looking for a refresher course. A few came because they want to join an existing club. The rest were new to CEF and have an interest in starting a new Good News Club in the future.

Those who attended learned how to teach a gospel lesson based on the CEF curriculum, “IPEAR” a memory verse (Introduce, Present, Explain, Apply, Repeat), sing instructional but fun songs, and play review games that reinforce all that has been taught. There was a definite excitement as the attenders learned more about the incredible opportunities – yes, it’s legal! – to teach the Bible inside of our public schools.

Thank you to the Revive Wesleyan Church for allowing us the use of their facilities for the day.

Please pray for opportunities for our newest trainees to use the knowledge they learned.

Pray for more open doors into schools.

Stump the Teacher

Student: “Did Jesus have any brothers or sisters?”

Teacher: “Yes, He did! The Bible tells us that Mary had four more boys, and at least two girls.”

Student: “How old was Jesus when He became a big brother?”

Teacher: “…..Wow….I don’t know….and I’ve never thought of that before….”

Our Committee

We praise the Lord for the interest some have shown recently in joining our committee! Hopefully in our next email we will have concrete news to share with you.

We are always in need of fresh ideas, and help in implementing our vision to reach the children of Erie County. Contact us if you’re interested.

Our Current Staff & Committee
Craig Durham
Dave Hastie
Torry Jones
Joan Lindsey
Jim Maloney
Larry Nephews
Dennis Piwowarczyk
Rebekah Tablante