I am a teacher at Buffalo public schools, teaching music to kindergarten through eighth grade. I had been fervently praying about how I could share the gospel with my students – so many children live with such broken lives. I know the answer to their problems is Jesus.
After praying and researching, I sent an email to CEF. I was pleasantly surprised when they answered and said that we could work together to start a Good News Club at my school. After working out the details, we began a Good News Club in January 2018. This group grew to 43 children, and nine children came to know the Lord as their personal Savior.
During the school year, we gave the children each a personal Bible. They were thrilled! One of my second graders started carrying his Bible around during the school day and even took it to speech class because he wanted to read it there. CEF has been such a blessing to our school. I thank the Lord every day for how I can share the Gospel with my students.