Hello, Friends and Supporters!
In this newsletter you will read a testimony from a summer “5-Day Club”, updates on our Good News Clubs, an invitation to our Chicken Barbeque fundraiser, an invitation to a Super Saturday training seminar, and an appeal for Prayer Partners.
Prayer requests are listed throughout, and at the end.
Thank you for your support, CEF of GBA
5-Day Club Testimony
This July we were contacted by a lady named Debbie who wanted to hold a children’s Bible club at her house. She used to host CEF “5-Day Clubs” when her now-grown children were young, and wanted to get back at it. She has a burden for the children in her neighborhood, and sees their great need for Jesus. We quickly provided her with curriculum and about 2 weeks later she had a club up and running.
Debbie recruited her neighbor Maryann to help her, and together they invited their community kids. Nine different children came for games, crafts, prizes, Bible lessons, and – of course – the Gospel. Four children put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation…and three of them were Maryann’s grandchildren! Praise the Lord!
Are there children in YOUR neighborhood that need Jesus? What about YOUR kids or grandkids? Let Debbie and Maryann be an inspiration to you! You don’t have to be a pastor or teacher or someone with extensive training. You just need to step out in faith and do something. We would be glad to provide you with lesson plans and ideas. You can do it!
Praise the Lord for the precious children saved during this year’s summer ministry, and pray for their growth.
Pray for more people to see the need in their own circle of influence.
Good News Clubs
School is back in session, and our GNC teachers are gearing up for another fun-filled year of public school ministry!
Re-Starting this October:
- AJ Schmidt Elementary (Lake Shore District)
- Blasdell Elementary (Frontier District)
- Cloverbank Elementary (Frontier District)
- Highgate Heights Elementary (Buffalo)
- Highland Elementary (Lake Shore District)
- JT Waugh Elementary (Lake Shore District)
Please pray for many students to sign up and attend. Pray for our teachers to be spiritually ready for this year. Ask God to bless these schools and their administrations.
Opportunities Abound
There are 30 school districts in Erie County. We have clubs in three of them.* If you live in or around these areas, would you prayerfully consider the need?
o Akron
o Alden
o Amherst
o Buffalo*
o Cheektowaga
o Cheektowaga-Maryvale
o Cheektowaga-Sloan
o Clarence
o Cleveland Hill
o Depew
o East Aurora
o Eden
o Grand Island
o Hamburg
o Holland
o Iroquois
o Kenmore-Tonawanda
o Lackawanna
o Lancaster
o North Collins
o North Tonawanda
o Orchard Park
o Springville
o Sweet Home
o Tonawanda City
o West Seneca
o Williamsville
*There are 35 elementary schools in the Buffalo school district, and we have a club in just one of them.
Please pray for God to open the doors into these districts, and His people to walk through them.
Teacher Training
You are invited to a “Super Saturday Seminar” on Saturday, Nov. 11, from 9:30am-3:00pm. It’s free and lunch is provided, but registration is required. It will be held at the facilities of Revive Wesleyan Church, 4999 McKinley Pkwy, Hamburg NY.
Sessions will cover various aspects of teaching the Bible to children and sharing the gospel with them. This course is required for anyone who wants to teach or assist in a Good News Club, but is great for anyone who wants to effectively communicate Biblical truths with children.
Pastors and church leaders – would you please let your people know about this? Someone in your congregation might benefit from it. There is no obligation to you.
Please pray for more GNC teachers in Western New York, so we can make a greater impact for the Kingdom of God!
Prayer Partners Needed
It is no secret that Satan’s army is well-funded, well-organized, and extremely powerful. Our God is greater, but He moves on the prayers of His people. Satan does not want us sharing Christ with children in the public schools. If we are going to succeed in this spiritual battle, we must have an invincible army of prayer warriors.
Would you partner with us in prayer? In the near future we plan to send out weekly or bi-weekly emails with very specific requests, so those on our Prayer Team can bring them before God’s throne. Will you join? There is no requirement except a desire to pray. Contact information is listed below.
Please pray for CEF of GBA to have power and victory in our fight for the souls of children!
Prayer Requests
- For the growth of the kids saved at 5-Day Clubs.
- For the GNCs starting in October – for the students, teachers, and the schools that host us.
- For the 27 districts (and 108 schools) that still need Good News Clubs.
- For the Teacher Training seminar Nov. 11 to be effective.