Dear Friends and Supporters,
We have had some big changes over the past quarter, and we thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. Keep reading for updates on our May Brunch, the “Go and Tell” Program, local Good News Clubs, and Brian Ide!
Sincerely, CEF of GBA
“Good News” Brunch
On May 14 we held an informational brunch for pastors, children’s minsters, or anyone interested in knowing more about Child Evangelism Fellowship. We hosted 35 people, representing 11 area churches.
After informal conversation around the breakfast tables, our committee presented the different aspects of CEF of GBA: Good News Clubs, Summer 5-Day Clubs, and Teacher Training. These are all ways that we can help churches expand their reach in their communities.
Dale Hudson, founder of Building Children’s Ministry, was our guest speaker for the day, and gave a challenging lesson on leaving a legacy to the next generation. He reminded us, “An inheritance is what you leave for someone; A legacy is what you leave in someone.”
Results: We were so pleased with the positive response we had from those who attended our Brunch. Some of these churches have already requested Teacher Training, which is the first step to starting a Good News Club in their schools. Fifteen of those in attendance signed up to join our prayer team. We look forward to working with the, and seeing the doors that open.
Year-End GNC Report
Our school ministry has come to an end, and we praise the Lord for what He did for us this year. After being almost completely shut down last year, we rebuilt to four in-person clubs and two online.
Some of our Clubs were able to meet in-person, inside of the schools, and right after school let out. Most of our Clubs, however, had to meet off-site, meet remotely, or find a time well past the dismissal. We are so grateful for the flexibility of our teachers and school workers as they navigated these challenges. In spite of these hurdles, we saw salvations and growth in the students.
Two of our clubs had parties at the end of the school year, and many parents and grandparents attended, and told us how much these clubs have helped their children.
2021-22 Statistics:
6 Clubs offered (4 in-person, 2 online)
3 School districts served (Buffalo, Frontier, Lake Shore, and a few home schoolers thrown in for good measure)
28 Students registered
6 recorded salvations
Go and Tell
What’s new at CEF of Greater Buffalo? We have a Wonderful! Stupendous! Total –Immersion Evangelistic program just for Kids; “Go and Tell, Children Reaching Children” Go and Tell is a fun-filled day of teaching young people 10-18 yrs. old how to effectively give the gospel to their friends, family and those they meet. “Go and Tell” uses Bible truths of the Loving God, Creator (John 3:16), man the sinner (Romans 3:23), Jesus the Savior (I Corinthians 15:3b-4) forgiveness/salvation (Acts 16:31) and Christian growth (2 Peter 3:18).
We use the Wordless Book colors to help focus on the truths of the gospel when witnessing. Some of our tools are: color-coded tabs for their New Testaments, CEF “Flipper Flapper” or “Turnabouts,” Wordless Books and “Gospel Wrist Bands.” We even provide a color-coded bookmark that contains the Gospel truths! And then, Repetition, Repetition, Repetition coupled with games, snacks, lunch and lots of laughter!!
Two teens from our first class were my helpers in our second class; immersion is a great tool. Some children from our last class went our “witnessing” after class. One boy was able to win a friend to the Lord. Another young lady was able to give the entire gospel to 3 of her friends. A young teen stated, ”Now I understand how to give the Gospel!” This is certainly “Children Reaching Children” in action!
For information how you can have this life-changing training for your church children, please contact us at the information listed below, or email tlklindsey@gmail.com
Summer Ministry
We are working with one church to get their teachers ready to begin a Good News Club in the fall.
A few pastors have shown interest in partnering with us, and invited us in to speak to their congregations. We look forward to serving them in the future with opening a GNC in their local school.
An area-wide, free Good News Club training 9:00am-3:30pm on Saturday, August 20, at Center Road Baptist Church of West Seneca. This is for any current teachers (refresher) or anyone interested in teaching a Good News Club. The training is free, but registration is required. Call or text 716-394-7820!
We are also overseeing a few 5-Day Clubs, which is like a mini-Vacation Bible School, usually held in someone’s backyard. Please keep us in your prayers this summer.
Chapter Change
Our director, Brian Ide, has left Western New York to start a new CEF chapter in Jacksonville, Florida. Brian was a huge help in starting the CEF of GBA chapter, and will be missed. The committee thanks Brian for his dedicated service to the children of the Greater Buffalo Area, and wishes him all the best in his new endeavor.